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Reviews for "Flounder"

"...the percussion was a killer."

Another great track from the renowned producer, Pitbulljones. I loved this track, and while the melody as always played a big part in this track, the percussion was of absolute significance. From the subtle synths, to the electronic-sounding guitars, this track kicked major ass. No metaphors come to mind... but again, the percussion was a killer.

Good work,

-Proudly played on the g9core.com Audio Podcast Episode #15-

pitbulljones responds:

the 'renowned' producer!!! Jesus who else knows me lol. nah thans for the review i took time on this beat so it should sound reasonably decent.

thanks again. pitters

this is nice

this is a nice slow beat has a good flow to it but there was like ringing in the back or something i didnt like, but seriously this is some real good like indie keep it up man and thanks for helping me out a long time ago :P


i voted it a 5

pitbulljones responds:

cheers for the review greeksta. I actually took some time on this beat so it should i hope sound more authentic then some of my other stuff. that ringin you're on about is a synth, just bordering clipping, get it right and it sounds awesome and you get that ringing effect. thers another synth as well that makes a sort of bleepy strected noise, it could be that i don't know.

aye and indies what i do best. brought up with the stuff so what do you expect?

thanks for your review. and your five.
