Xolo Mariduena- Actor

He better get the gratuitous shirtless scene that every other superhero does
In the comics, when Jaime first gets the scarab, it destroys his clothes and he has some fun nude scenes when he unsuits. He later figures out how to keep his clothes on or convert the suit into clothes or something, I forget, but at first he ends up naked all the time.

The trailer makes a point of showing his clothes burning up as he suits up, so hopefully it has an unsuiting scene not unlike the comics.
Holy moly guacamole.

I just discovered Xolo today (literally 30 minutes ago) from the Blue Beetle trailer dropping. What a beautiful, handsome guy. Gorgeous face and hair with a cute personality. Watched an interview with him and Trevor Noah. Sold on this hottie.

Then I figured I’d fire up the mandatory Google search “_____ (hot dude’s name) lpsg” not expecting to see anything groundbreaking. But then… my eyes met that gorgeous selfie of his uncut meat out, butt ass naked. FUCK. Image of perfection.