2014/2015 NCAA Football Thread

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he is also pretty good at winning national championships.... after all that

The guy is not a very good coach. He had one good season in East Lansing and bolted because he couldn't out recruit Ohio St. and Michigan. He flamed out in a hurry in the NFL. What he is good at is organizing all of the over recruitment of talent. Everybody talks about how bad the Big Ten is and yet he never won a Conference title. He whines when teams find a way to compete with him (hurry up) and yet he will do the same thing when it works to his advantage. :dickhead::douchebag: Not that the other three are any better.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Well, Auburn dumped Ellis Johnson and hired Muschamp for defensive coordinator. It was good move for AU and a good move for him.
Go play cards in Vegas, if you have it all figured out...

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1 Alabama - Nick Saban is about as big a low life as there is in this world but boy can he purchase talent. If this giant collection of NFL talent had a real QB leading them they would be unstoppable.

2 Oregon - Nike has really done themselves proud this year purchasing players and having a great talent at QB helps.

3 TCU - Didn't follow them very close but saw them play once and they looked solid.

4 I really don't know I mean Baylor can score with anybody, FSU is undefeated but didn't play 1 upper team all year long and I beleive if they played in the SCC, Pac 12, or Big 12 they would be a 3 loss team plus the fact the Winston should have been kicked out of school several times.
Ohio State is also a giant purchasing entity in collage football and the fact that they supposedly beat 3 top 25 teams is complete bull shit.
Wisconsin is standard big 10 RUN RUN RUN, hello 1952, and Minnesota or Michigan State are another example of teams putting together a good record in a shit conference.

My biggest beef is it used to be if you cheated you got busted now if you cheat you get rewarded just sad.
Not going to watch any of it so it really doesn't matter.

Go play cards in Vegas, if you have it all figured out...
The guy is not a very good coach. He had one good season in East Lansing and bolted because he couldn't out recruit Ohio St. and Michigan. He flamed out in a hurry in the NFL. What he is good at is organizing all of the over recruitment of talent. Everybody talks about how bad the Big Ten is and yet he never won a Conference title. He whines when teams find a way to compete with him (hurry up) and yet he will do the same thing when it works to his advantage. :dickhead::douchebag: Not that the other three are any better.

the best is hated or loved...i understand that is just life. so he can get better players....i thought that was a part of coaching??
Go play cards in Vegas, if you have it all figured out...

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Go play cards in Vegas, if you have it all figured out...

notice he never answered my question when i ask who he thought the best 4 teams are. like them or hate them...i think the best 4 teams are there.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Definitely appears a good move for Auburn. How much are they paying him?

The report I read said the deal was $1.6 to $1.8 million a year.

Yep, $1.6 to $1.8 million a year.

The good thing is that since it's not a head coach position, Florida has to pay the remainder of his contract. I'm sure Houston wouldn't have paid as much $1.6 to $1.8 million for the head position, so he's gonna pocket about an extra $6 million for taking the AU job. Smart.
The guy is not a very good coach. He had one good season in East Lansing and bolted because he couldn't out recruit Ohio St. and Michigan. He flamed out in a hurry in the NFL. What he is good at is organizing all of the over recruitment of talent. Everybody talks about how bad the Big Ten is and yet he never won a Conference title. He whines when teams find a way to compete with him (hurry up) and yet he will do the same thing when it works to his advantage. :dickhead::douchebag: Not that the other three are any better.

I agree. He's a extremely good recruiter...and that's about it. As far as coaching a team on the field, not so much. Unfortunately, in collage football good recruiting is about 95% of what it takes to win. The last 5 percent is a combination of luck and being good with the Xs and Os on the field.
bama -9 oregon -9 lot of 9 going on............ wait...you get a team that has won 29 games in a row + 9 points. that sure is sweet...........
Gave you my opinion it is after all what you asked for.

i ask you which four teams would be your top 4. you didnt answer? you avoided my question and low rated the ones that were there. your opinion..which 4 teams ? your call...........any way you spin it 4 teams has a chance this year instead of 2. that is a squeaker but ...it is a step forward. i want a 8 team. that would stop all crying. if you cant make it to 8...you dont deserve to play for a NC the way i see it.
Hey smoknn, get your Bowl Challenge picks up, bud. Time is drawing short.

You too dakdak, who recently stated "im in
imma beat the crap out of you guys" Ha ha, ok bring it on dak! :D

Hoping anyone that's posted to this thread this year or years past will get in the spirit and give it a shot. We've always had a great time with it

I even saw posts by STDiva and Icerfan back there not very long ago :thumbsup: Diva's always been a excellent battler in the challenge and I'm sure Icer would be too.
i ask you which four teams would be your top 4. you didnt answer? you avoided my question and low rated the ones that were there. your opinion..which 4 teams ? your call...........any way you spin it 4 teams has a chance this year instead of 2. that is a squeaker but ...it is a step forward. i want a 8 team. that would stop all crying. if you cant make it to 8...you dont deserve to play for a NC the way i see it.

Can't give you the answer you crave you will just have to find your way all alone.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Hey smoknn, get your Bowl Challenge picks up, bud. Time is drawing short.

You too dakdak, who recently stated "im in
imma beat the crap out of you guys" Ha ha, ok bring it on dak! :D

Hoping anyone that's posted to this thread this year or years past will get in the spirit and give it a shot. We've always had a great time with it

I even saw posts by STDiva and Icerfan back there not very long ago :thumbsup: Diva's always been a excellent battler in the challenge and I'm sure Icer would be too.

I'll second this! C'mon guys....it's a lot of fun and gives you at least a rooting interest in each and every bowl game. The more the merrier! Join here:


i ask you which four teams would be your top 4. you didnt answer? you avoided my question and low rated the ones that were there. your opinion..which 4 teams ? your call...........any way you spin it 4 teams has a chance this year instead of 2. that is a squeaker but ...it is a step forward. i want a 8 team. that would stop all crying. if you cant make it to 8...you dont deserve to play for a NC the way i see it.

I'll answer instead, OK smoker??

1) Missouri
2) Miami (FL)
3) Texas
4) Houston

This would make a helluva playoff IMO. :D ;)
bama -9 oregon -9 lot of 9 going on............ wait...you get a team that has won 29 games in a row + 9 points. that sure is sweet.....

Yeah when you look at it that way it does look pretty appetizing.
But for me, if I really think FSU is the better team I'd want to take advantage of the money line odds, and only use the points as a backup to recoup my investment if they lose but cover.
For instance, if I decided to bet $100 on the game, instead of betting $100 on FSU at + 9 and getting 190 back if they cover, I'd bet $45 on the money line and $55 on the +9. Then if they win the game you get 171 back on the money line bet and 105 on the points bet, for a total of 276.
If they lose but cover the plus 9 you still get you $100 investment back plus 5 bucks.

1) Missouri
2) Miami (FL)
3) Texas
4) Houston

This would make a helluva playoff IMO. :D ;)

:1orglaugh :glugglug:
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