Do you ever wonder how some guys are successful with women?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
1. Relax
2. Don't try
3. Say 'What the fuck?'
4. Believe 100% in the power of no.3 above

This is not some sarcastic brush off, I mean this.

I advise all young men with girl attracting issues and questions to get themselves a copy of Paul Brickman's classic 'Risky Business'. Tom Cruise aside, this movie contains all the answers an up and coming young stud about town needs.

I am not kidding.

Rent it, buy it, rip it ...... watch it.
Here's something - many women, in my experience, are intimidated by educated men. This is stupid, as many of these women are educated themselves. The Ivory Tower is such a male-dominated scene that many women expect educated men to be misogynist, but in subtle ways.

Prove you're not a misogynist, and you'll fucking dominate that pussy like you, as a man, are supposed to.

I have a serious point in there. See if you can find it.

Also, wax your back.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Lose twenty pounds, get the blow out do and some tanning cream. The hotties love that shit, Brah.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
All the time. Absolutely all the time.

And have you reached any conclusions?

(I have. It's one word. 'Confidence'. The fugliest moose on the block can bag and boink new booty every night, as long as he has the confidence; and true confidence in his confidence. In other words, it has to be REAL, not some Tony Robbins mantra recitation 'I believe' bullshit confidence)
It's okay...

Until now!

PM me and I will tell you the secret ....
No. Who some other guy lands doesn't have anything to do with you and it's a waste of time to even worry...errr 'wonder' about it.

IMO you're establishing false grounds for competition in your mind whether you know it or not. It makes you less you. I would think that has had more of a negative impact on your prospects. Your competition should only be with yourself to improve over what you are.

I'd be willing to bet you've squandered many opportunities for promising prospects in the illusion of competing on terms that are not your own.
Being good looking and well-dressed certainly helps, but the single biggest thing that will help you with getting women is confidence. Let's face it: women do not want a man who is shy, indecisive, or nervous. They want a man who is spontaneous, assertive, and comfortable in his own skin.

Case in point: I have a friend who, to be perfectly honest, is not a real handsome guy. However, he has dated some HOT women over the years. The reason for this is because he exudes large amounts of alpha-male confidence. He doesn't feel intimidated at all talking to a beautiful woman (or if he does, he's very good at hiding it) and they respond to it very positively.
I fought for pussy before.
I blame the fact I say what I am thinking.

Trust me, compliment her with her boyfriend
around and he might hit you.

But if you win, she will totally do you.

Married folk totally go prowling in pairs,
they are much nicer.
I'm pretty successful or have been just cuz I purely don't give a Fuck! Bitches like dat shit, ever notice how they could have a nice faithful loving guy but always go for the asshole instead :dunno: Just the way shit works! So I could care less about what she thinks cuz theres always more fish in the sea :D
But not giving a fuck can also have repercussions I once fucked a chick out of pity and other girls heard that I was with this girl that everyone felt sorry for and I ended up bangin like 5 other chicks out of that situation! Because they thought I was such a sweet guy LOL Best Pity Fuck Ever!!!
PM me or live your life as a loser...


I'm pretty successful or have been just cuz I purely don't give a Fuck! Bitches like dat shit, ever notice how they could have a nice faithful loving guy but always go for the asshole instead :dunno: Just the way shit works! So I could care less about what she thinks cuz theres always more fish in the sea :D
But not giving a fuck can also have repercussions I once fucked a chick out of pity and other girls heard that I was with this girl that everyone felt sorry for and I ended up bangin like 5 other chicks out of that situation! Because they thought I was such a sweet guy LOL Best Pity Fuck Ever!!!

But does your belly button still smell like Kraft singles? Or was that someone else on the board? :uohs:
It really depends on the kind of woman youre looking for. Most women CRAVE mens attention and if you fawn over them they will lose interest in you. You kinda have to be a dick. You kinda have to ignore them. You have to seem like youre not trying to impress them and youre not trying to pick them up.

Being yourself doesnt work because most women dont want an honest man. Being nice doesnt work because most women want a 'bad boy'.

It's all a big game you have to play. Its sad but true.