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Dude .... if i was Ryuko and saw Senketsu (my best friend and companion) being worn by Satsuki (my biggest rival), i would feel betrayed by Senketsu while possessed of anger... I think my desire would equal that of Ryuko at the moment: try to kill both.. Even though the reasons for the alliance of the two, it would not change the feeling of betrayal and anger at seeing Asatsuki (my biggest rival) wearing Senketsu.
"But Ryuko was wearing Junketsu"... That does not change the fact of what i said above... And she's wearing Junketsu because she is being "semi-controlled" by her mother... I'm talking about feelings .. feelings .. even if Ryuko was in good conscience, i believe she would feel the same way ... even outside of her, she gets angry and mocks the alliance of the two (the Senketsu and Asatsuki).
I can't believe Ryuuko kissed Nui. That was really unnecessary =_=
Trigger almost killed Ryuuko's character for me :/ Satsuki it is <3
I like that song they played during the fake memory scene.
Well, let's see what will happen now.
When Ryuuko kissed Nui it felt really awkward. Like I didn't expect that at all and that came out of nowhere. Kill la Kill has really gotten really good! Each episode is great! Awesome fight this episode and looks like Ryuukonis free from Junketsu. Satsuki is the best!
When i saw blood spurting out of mako, i cried so hard. Then she popped out, i felt like a dog. Matoi covered in blood, Satsuki in Senketsu and 4 devas and the Nudist teamwork. Epic. Nui got pinned too. Now lm left to wonder what she's working on for in her lab.
That Ryuko & Nui kiss though totally suprised me xD
Satsuki in Senketsu was awesome, and I'm so glad Ryuko snapped out of it at the end...worried for Nui though even though she's the enemy and she's crazy I can't help but love her :'(
Shoko and Senketsu going into ryoku was genius. I probably got the names wrong.
Behold of my awesomeness~
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But my feels.
I don't care how many times I say this, but Mako is brilliant xD
The intensity of the whole episode was startling, especially her death in that dream :O i love it....okay i know satsuki is a good girl but ryuuko hitting her felt like it was coming its like for the harsh treatment she gave everyone (people of honou town , using ryuuko..and i know she did for deceiving her mother but it was a bit harsh maybe she felt it was the only way) however it was too much concerning ryuuko i mean ryuuko have been push around by satsuki a lot
but i feel for satsuki because she is acting exactly like a big sister and a comrade toward ryuuko and this fight was amazing everything was epic from start to finish i was excited ..satsuki's being true to herself finally was refreshing to see...damn i love ryuuko she took junketsu off great cant wait to watch what happens next!
also i have to say i love seeing ryuuko fight with a fists and kicks she is "strain up punk" from her own words i love ryuuko she is the best lead character i have seen in a while the of course is satsuki i love her as well they both have different kind of aura power which is a masterpiece ! :3
I disagree with people who say Mako ruined the drama, the show was never serious to begin with, if it was serious it wouldn't be that awesome, Mako is great.
Anyway Satsuki is becoming so cool, I like her better than Ryuuko
The scene where Mako went into Ryuuko, so awesome! I haven’t seen a series as badass and freaking awesome like this so far, just keeps getting better and better!
It's clear to me the writing staff loves Satsuki (and I do too!). First the heel-face turn back in episode 17, Ryuuko's corruption in ep 20 so that Satsuki becomes the hero we need, Satsuki wearing Senketsu, and in this episode Satsuki wearing Nudist gear; these last few episodes I'm a happy camper.
They really pack a lot into these episodes, they seem much longer than they are. Kill la Kill feels like its had three climaxes so far.
Junketsu being a wedding dress inside Ryuuko's head, and her feelings of bliss in slavery to Junketsu, is perhaps symbolic of the phrase 'a woman's happiness' being marriage and maternity, and thus the contrast between the rebel sukeban-inspired Senketsu and Mako's intervention suggests perhaps a rejection of marriage as a woman's happiness. The meaning of Junketsu as a stifling constrictor bearing connotations of marriage and prenuptial virginal purity is perhaps obfuscated by the gender inversion of Junketsu's outward appearance as a masculine military-inspired piece of attire.
The fanservice is in the last few episodes is borderline yuri hentai lol unfortunately because it's Ragyo molesting her blood relations, it's kind of too weird for me
I was not expecting that kiss at all, this show has had so many turns it’s never what it set up to be at the beginning, twist after twist that it’s even shifted its own genre. I’m glad she’s back at last.
Man, Satsuki is rocking Senketsu, that combo between the two forms of Senketsu was 🔥👌👌.
Ragyou surely is perverted towards her daughters. That's quite disturbing. :|
Epic episode. For a moment in thought that Mako is dead, then that Senketsu might be dead, but fortunately it was all an illusion inside Ryuuko's mind.
Ragyou really likes to touch her daughters lmao. I did not expect that kiss at all damn.
Satsuki once again showing us why she's our queen. Look down on us all you want. I love that Mako is always the one saving Ryuko. For a second there I thought Ryuko cut Mako too, good shit Senketsu. That shit at the end was so epic, welcome back Ryuko, fucking silence that bitch Nui once and for all.