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Jul 26, 2017 5:45 AM

Feb 2013
Looks like the tutoring was actually a success.

An improvement over the previous. Nice to see we got some insertion this time. They literally go out and do it all night until the sun rises. Dat stamina.

I like my gyarus, though she wasn't the specific kind I like but I'll take what I can get and look forward to anymore hentai with them. Not sure if this is getting another episode.

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If you see a hentai anime using a manga/eroge cover image, help by replacing it with its proper image!
Jul 27, 2017 6:22 AM

Oct 2013
User-sanAug 3, 2021 4:12 PM
Jul 27, 2017 9:46 AM
Jul 2016
To be 100% honest here, I was getting ready for this to be ruined by some bullshit ntr twist, so seeing that this actually managed to end off in such a good note actually made me smile. The sex was good and it was even better than ep 1. Probably one of the best this year so far!
Jul 30, 2017 3:00 AM

Dec 2014
It was good, and I'm surprised by how far boob animations have come since the 2000's. The future is neat.
Aug 1, 2017 3:55 PM
May 2015
I couldn't fully understand the story because I don't understand Japanese, and I watched the 2nd ep without sub.

But seriously this is the first time I'm pushing myself to watch anime without sub.. I did it because this show is extremely awesome...

The face expression, the character design isn't like other generic anime design, and the most important part it ended with heartwarming sweet love story.

This is easily one of the gold hentai in 2017..

Side note : still sei yariman enkou nikki better in breast movement
Aug 1, 2017 10:50 PM

Apr 2017
Quite indeed surprising when the twist suddenly felt a lot NTR more than Vanilla Dela Creme....

Not Bad since this episode improve a lot of animation, Probably it may not so enthrilling when you have that THOT who's with you all along doing a favor but still no sign about her past BF..

The pubes since the last episode still hilarious.. and they fck all night till the sun rises within it's climax

Overall Impression : Less Satisfied..

-HippySnob-Aug 2, 2017 2:01 AM

"Think about that glowing dust
That destroys the night sky's dream of
Just being nothing"
Aug 2, 2017 1:53 AM

May 2015

The animation like in the first episode was pretty darn good. QueenBee Most hentai nowadays are garbage. So much that you go limp after watching the awkward animation…

The staff/studio did a pretty good job merging the emotions of heroine (Lovey-dovey, heroine change of heart, etc.) in the sex scenes (Ahegao, Sex positions & raunchiness)… This was a good watch!
Aug 2, 2017 2:58 PM
Nov 2012
This was so heart warming while being sexy. Really not what I expected from the cover image, what a pleasant surprise.

I love these lovey dovey types

Her square eyes were quite captivating, I've never seen ones like hers before
Aug 13, 2017 6:35 AM

Dec 2015
Better than the first one since this one had sex, but I still can't get over the pubes...
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Sep 18, 2017 10:07 AM

May 2017
Yeah sorry but i will not believe in this "happy ending" like you guys. I will not be made a fool again.
This girl is a nympho, she fooled around with many men and even had an affair with a married man. She will not bat an eye to cheat on the fat Mc given the chance.
She does not respect being exclusive in a relationship. And there are women like her in real life.
I feel sorry for the Mc because he will get NTR-ed.
Dec 29, 2017 12:46 AM

Sep 2012
RandomCritic said:
Yeah sorry but i will not believe in this "happy ending" like you guys. I will not be made a fool again.
This girl is a nympho, she fooled around with many men and even had an affair with a married man. She will not bat an eye to cheat on the fat Mc given the chance.
She does not respect being exclusive in a relationship. And there are women like her in real life.
I feel sorry for the Mc because he will get NTR-ed.

MC did her so hard he wont get NTR'D u know like in NTR'S woman becomes to love one guys D (sex with him) in the end so much that she can live without it & i so that happen here in NTR'S & H similar to NTR a guy can turn the sluttiest woman in to hes woman, that what i so happening here

unless author want to go NTR route & she gets raped by a guy with horses dick & totally brakes her, what i doubt will happen, but who knows its not impossible neither
Sugram22Dec 29, 2017 3:02 AM
Dec 29, 2017 7:36 AM

May 2017
Sugram22 said:

MC did her so hard he wont get NTR'D u know like in NTR'S woman becomes to love one guys D (sex with him) in the end so much that she can live without it & i so that happen here in NTR'S & H similar to NTR a guy can turn the sluttiest woman in to hes woman, that what i so happening here

She will NTR him. This is the same as the others. Its the same case scenario. And there is always someone better.
Hard sex wont last forever. Once she gets bored of him she will go to someone else for a better banging. Its a never ending chain for nymphomaniacs like her.
And she at least would suck someone else's D in the meantime.
Because women like her only think of sex, only love sex and not the person and will go to anyone who gives her a good bang.
There is so many with same case scenario and it always ends up the same: cheat cheat cheat. She already cheat by nature so the chances of she cheating on the fat MC is 99%.
If this was real life, but this is just a story so it becomes what the author wants.

unless author want to go NTR route & she gets raped by a guy with horses dick & totally brakes her, what i doubt will happen, but who knows its not impossible neither

Again I will tell you, Netorare or NTR stands for "taken away from".
Its not necesarry involves the woman getting raped. Is the woman cheating on the MC and ends up loving more the other dude and going with him. It can be by rape and mind rape or by volunteer saying the guy she is cheating with does better sex, has a better D than her lover and loves it more than her lover.
And NTR mostly happens in the presence of the MC male and he can't do anything about it to make it on humiliating the MC as he is a worthless man.
NTR doesn't always involve rape, it involves the girl banging another man than her lover in the presence of her lover and say "I am sorry honey but his D is better than yours and I love it, and him better than you" and ends up with the other dude either volunteered or by mind break.
Dec 29, 2017 8:12 AM

Sep 2012
RandomCritic said:
Sugram22 said:

MC did her so hard he wont get NTR'D u know like in NTR'S woman becomes to love one guys D (sex with him) in the end so much that she can live without it & i so that happen here in NTR'S & H similar to NTR a guy can turn the sluttiest woman in to hes woman, that what i so happening here

She will NTR him. This is the same as the others. Its the same case scenario. And there is always someone better.
Hard sex wont last forever. Once she gets bored of him she will go to someone else for a better banging. Its a never ending chain for nymphomaniacs like her.
And she at least would suck someone else's D in the meantime.
Because women like her only think of sex, only love sex and not the person and will go to anyone who gives her a good bang.
There is so many with same case scenario and it always ends up the same: cheat cheat cheat. She already cheat by nature so the chances of she cheating on the fat MC is 99%.
If this was real life, but this is just a story so it becomes what the author wants.

unless author want to go NTR route & she gets raped by a guy with horses dick & totally brakes her, what i doubt will happen, but who knows its not impossible neither

Again I will tell you, Netorare or NTR stands for "taken away from".
Its not necesarry involves the woman getting raped. Is the woman cheating on the MC and ends up loving more the other dude and going with him. It can be by rape and mind rape or by volunteer saying the guy she is cheating with does better sex, has a better D than her lover and loves it more than her lover.
And NTR mostly happens in the presence of the MC male and he can't do anything about it to make it on humiliating the MC as he is a worthless man.
NTR doesn't always involve rape, it involves the girl banging another man than her lover in the presence of her lover and say "I am sorry honey but his D is better than yours and I love it, and him better than you" and ends up with the other dude either volunteered or by mind break.

what if he NTR'S her NTR'S her nymphomaniacs away so she is stuck to him, BDW i didn't see her screw any other guy

or are nymphomaniacs immune to NTRing?

& i mentioned rape cause once shes been NTR'D by MC she wont let other guy near her pussy freely

BDW this talk & This heroine remind me of another H (even her looks are quite similar) guy who's in University or high school cant remember has a crush on a girl he sees her being FKed in school & at one point when they start to talk she seems like NTR victim like she want to get away from this guy but cant & asks him to save her, but its all act, in the end good kind guy acts like NTR antagonist (all crazy rapist eyes & face but no rape just hes face is like ones) & she plays the role of NTR heroine like lets him dominate her but her face says she is in control she is real nymphomaniacs her acting is like i would give her Oscar lol, at the end i said this guy wont get out of it with hes sanity intact
Sugram22Dec 29, 2017 8:52 AM
Dec 30, 2017 1:14 PM

May 2017
First of all; my theory of she NTR-ing the MC is a theory based on other stories, series and people in real life, but in the end it a fantasy that made the author and all fantasies have happy ending, but if go in a realistic note, my first post is what will happen base don knowledge in observation experiences.
And now for your commentary:
Sugram22 said:
what if he NTR'S her NTR'S her nymphomaniacs away so she is stuck to him, BDW i didn't see her screw any other guy

He will not NTR her because 1) The fat dude is a kind man, a nice guy, and underdog, the type every women deserves but they just friend-zone them.
2) The guy is fat and ugly. And has no game.
The only reason why he got with his gyaru girl is because: 1) She is a bitch, and 2) she sold herself to him to help her study.
This story is based on a visual novel and the anime adaptation only covered 5% of the whole story.

or are nymphomaniacs immune to NTRing?

No, nympho maniacs, don't care. They only think of sex and want to have sex 24/7 no matter who it is. They are the one who commits the NTR, not the ones getting NTR-ed. It is the mayor complains with men dating a nymphomaniac. And if they don't pleasure the nympho, the nympho will seek someone else who gives the bang of her life. They believe love=sex and will never truly love anyone.

i mentioned rape cause once shes been NTR'D by MC she wont let other guy near her pussy freely

Did you really saw this OVA?
First: where did you get she got NTR-ed by the MC?
Second: I said she will NTR the Mc not the MC NTR her.
Third: She was having an affair with a married man, and even so she sold herself to the fat dude (MC) so he could help her study for a test (Help me study and I will give you sex favors).
Fourth: She said so herself, especially in episode 2, that she is a whore and had sex with many guys and asked the MC if even if she is a whore he would accept her; which he replied 'yes' because he was in love with the gyaru girl. So once she gets tired of him, she will cheat on him with someone who bangs her better. Or while in a relationship with him she will blowjob/fellatio/sex-favor other guys like she did with the MC and the married man. Because that's the type of character/woman she is. A whore.
The end of episode 2, when he asked her to marry him? her answers and responses were based under the influence of the moment and under the passion and the heat of the moment. Not because she really wanted.

This is a type of stereotyping because in japan, Gyaru girls are known as whores, prostitutes and JK workers/compensated dating.
Also, have you heard of "marriage for convenience"?
it is a common trait in japan, women giving themselves to loveless marriages just to live an easy life as housewives and do what ever they want. Even have affairs without care.
ThatRandomDudeDec 30, 2017 1:24 PM
Dec 30, 2017 11:43 PM

Sep 2012
RandomCritic said:

i mentioned rape cause once shes been NTR'D by MC she wont let other guy near her pussy freely

Did you really saw this OVA?
First: where did you get she got NTR-ed by the MC?
Second: I said she will NTR the Mc not the MC NTR her.
Third: She was having an affair with a married man, and even so she sold herself to the fat dude (MC) so he could help her study for a test (Help me study and I will give you sex favors).
Fourth: She said so herself, especially in episode 2, that she is a whore and had sex with many guys and asked the MC if even if she is a whore he would accept her; which he replied 'yes' because he was in love with the gyaru girl. So once she gets tired of him, she will cheat on him with someone who bangs her better. Or while in a relationship with him she will blowjob/fellatio/sex-favor other guys like she did with the MC and the married man. Because that's the type of character/woman she is. A whore.
The end of episode 2, when he asked her to marry him? her answers and responses were based under the influence of the moment and under the passion and the heat of the moment. Not because she really wanted.

This is a type of stereotyping because in japan, Gyaru girls are known as whores, prostitutes and JK workers/compensated dating.
Also, have you heard of "marriage for convenience"?
it is a common trait in japan, women giving themselves to loveless marriages just to live an easy life as housewives and do what ever they want. Even have affairs without care.

it was also meant as a IF he NTR'S her, also by this case by NTR i men makes her addicted to him or hes D so she cant live without him anymore that includes cheating that she cant cheat after that

in Yareruko! Densha Ecchi the JK type became MC woman even said they want hes kids & swore to be only hes & at the end it was said it did happen, that's why i came with the idea that maybe he will NTR her or turn the tables if she is trying to NTR him or she is in so deep that it wont work on her?

but yea its possible she is NTRing him

well to me she seemed JK type not Nympho, but only future EP can tell which one is right :D
Sugram22Feb 3, 2018 10:07 AM
Dec 31, 2017 3:35 PM

May 2017
Sugram22 said:
it was also meant as a IF he NTR'S her, also by this case by NTR i men makes her addicted to him or hes D so she cant live without him anymore that includes cheating that she cant cheat after that

All nymphos says that (and most women)in the head of the passion of the sex to stimulate the male.
And whores always says the same thing to every men who gives her a good bang.
Feb 3, 2018 10:01 AM

Sep 2012
RmRs said:
To be 100% honest here, I was getting ready for this to be ruined by some bullshit ntr twist, so seeing that this actually managed to end off in such a good note actually made me smile. The sex was good and it was even better than ep 1. Probably one of the best this year so far!

the NTR twist mite still come in future (to early to be happy) lol

but i hope it wont come

RnDNEET021 said:
Quite indeed surprising when the twist suddenly felt a lot NTR more than Vanilla Dela Creme....

Not Bad since this episode improve a lot of animation, Probably it may not so enthrilling when you have that THOT who's with you all along doing a favor but still no sign about her past BF..

The pubes since the last episode still hilarious.. and they fck all night till the sun rises within it's climax

Overall Impression : Less Satisfied..


that felt like NTR???are u serious??? LOL

it felt opposite to NTR
Sugram22Feb 3, 2018 1:00 PM
Aug 15, 2018 7:35 PM

Oct 2015
Ah... if the guy wasn't the fat type I would enjoy this hentai to its most >< fat dudes in hentais is a turn off for me =( it's a pity

Anyway, at least this hadn't NTR and the fat dude here wasn't the bastard type, less worse for me

Jan 16, 2019 1:45 PM
Jan 2019
Hentai of the Year 2017
Jul 9, 2019 2:41 AM

Sep 2012
ThatRandomDude said:
Sugram22 said:
it was also meant as a IF he NTR'S her, also by this case by NTR i men makes her addicted to him or hes D so she cant live without him anymore that includes cheating that she cant cheat after that

All nymphos says that (and most women)in the head of the passion of the sex to stimulate the male.
And whores always says the same thing to every men who gives her a good bang.

seems anime went happy end route where she actually fell for him, no sequels so seems this time u were wrong
Aug 9, 2019 11:50 PM
Jul 2017
I'm happy that big heavyset guy not only gets the gal to graduate high school, but finally wins her heart. With the amount of time they had spent together, they finally have a happy ending and both of them get engaged after hot sex in a cabin and wouldn't an underdog character that is an ugly fat dude get be a hero for one day? It's not everyday you see or hear about big heavyset guys with a gentle soul winning a beautiful girl's heart. People can ridicule him all they want of him being fat and ugly, but not all of them are rapists, pedophiles, etc. This is what I call an underdog romance.
Jan 7, 2020 10:47 PM

Jun 2019
That was a really beautiful ending. I liked the distance shot of him holding her.
Sep 18, 2020 2:59 AM

Oct 2012
this was nice and wholesome
Jul 27, 2021 3:27 PM
Apr 2021
Any others like this? This is now in my top 2 favorite hentai, and I would love to see more along these lines. I adore both the MCs, they are so loving and wonderful, and it's so nice to see the shy nerd get some love and appreciation!

My other favorite is "The Guts! Women at Work." Honorable mentions are "JK Fuuzoku Gakuensai" and "Soushi Souai: Junai Mellow yori."
Aug 3, 2021 10:34 AM

Jul 2015
fourdeerocks said:
Any others like this? This is now in my top 2 favorite hentai, and I would love to see more along these lines. I adore both the MCs, they are so loving and wonderful, and it's so nice to see the shy nerd get some love and appreciation!

My other favorite is "The Guts! Women at Work." Honorable mentions are "JK Fuuzoku Gakuensai" and "Soushi Souai: Junai Mellow yori."

you should check joshiochi 2-kai kara onnanoko ga... futtekita
Nov 7, 2021 5:41 PM
Dec 2017
i liked this alot overall

Dec 28, 2021 3:11 AM
Dec 2021
ThatRandomDude said:
First of all; my theory of she NTR-ing the MC is a theory based on other stories, series and people in real life, but in the end it a fantasy that made the author and all fantasies have happy ending, but if go in a realistic note, my first post is what will happen base don knowledge in observation experiences.
And now for your commentary:
Sugram22 said:
what if he NTR'S her NTR'S her nymphomaniacs away so she is stuck to him, BDW i didn't see her screw any other guy

He will not NTR her because 1) The fat dude is a kind man, a nice guy, and underdog, the type every women deserves but they just friend-zone them.
2) The guy is fat and ugly. And has no game.
The only reason why he got with his gyaru girl is because: 1) She is a bitch, and 2) she sold herself to him to help her study.
This story is based on a visual novel and the anime adaptation only covered 5% of the whole story.

or are nymphomaniacs immune to NTRing?

No, nympho maniacs, don't care. They only think of sex and want to have sex 24/7 no matter who it is. They are the one who commits the NTR, not the ones getting NTR-ed. It is the mayor complains with men dating a nymphomaniac. And if they don't pleasure the nympho, the nympho will seek someone else who gives the bang of her life. They believe love=sex and will never truly love anyone.

i mentioned rape cause once shes been NTR'D by MC she wont let other guy near her pussy freely

Did you really saw this OVA?
First: where did you get she got NTR-ed by the MC?
Second: I said she will NTR the Mc not the MC NTR her.
Third: She was having an affair with a married man, and even so she sold herself to the fat dude (MC) so he could help her study for a test (Help me study and I will give you sex favors).
Fourth: She said so herself, especially in episode 2, that she is a whore and had sex with many guys and asked the MC if even if she is a whore he would accept her; which he replied 'yes' because he was in love with the gyaru girl. So once she gets tired of him, she will cheat on him with someone who bangs her better. Or while in a relationship with him she will blowjob/fellatio/sex-favor other guys like she did with the MC and the married man. Because that's the type of character/woman she is. A whore.
The end of episode 2, when he asked her to marry him? her answers and responses were based under the influence of the moment and under the passion and the heat of the moment. Not because she really wanted.

This is a type of stereotyping because in japan, Gyaru girls are known as whores, prostitutes and JK workers/compensated dating.
Also, have you heard of "marriage for convenience"?
it is a common trait in japan, women giving themselves to loveless marriages just to live an easy life as housewives and do what ever they want. Even have affairs without care.

Agreed. One of the best animated hentai in terms of visuals, but I had trouble believing the ending considering she sees anything apart from vaginal penetration as not cheating. Would honestly have been better if MC at least brought it up and said he wasn't cool with that or something.
Jul 27, 2022 2:03 PM
Mar 2021
This whole serious was pretty wholesome. Prolly the first time the fat dude isn't some criminal and NTR bs happening. 5/5 :D
Sep 29, 2022 6:02 AM

Feb 2021
Wow, that was pretty sweet and ended on a wholesome note. Kinda wished that more vanilla hentai get this level of animation.
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Dec 13, 2022 8:26 AM

Jun 2021
A nice big dude whose tutoring worked, he was brave enough to confess his feelings, fucked the cute gyaru so hard she is now his devoted girlfriend.

Sorry, my friend, it appears you have dropped this.

Also, that was my 100th completed on this account! A dude who looks like me getting blown by a cute and sexy gyaru and making her his. What a way to hit the ton! I think a different kind of crown would fit me..

Jan 28, 2023 4:49 PM
Nov 2010
6:34 I prefer f*cking them without taking a bath. Their sweaty scent & pheromones make me extremely horny!
8:42 I want to lick her sweaty armpits!
I wish I had someone like her to boost my academic performance in college!
Very nice f*cking to the end. 7/10
Apr 21, 2023 1:38 PM

Mar 2010
Ep1 was better.. nothing special in this episode just basic stuff, was hopin for some cucking but twas straight forward.. Twas a decent fap and the gal is hawt but for me twas dissapointing. Only good thing was the cock teasin in ep1.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 7, 2023 4:04 PM
Dec 2023
good scens
i love gal´s lol
Apr 10, 2024 11:53 AM
Jan 2009
this last episode is better and what a wholesome ending they plan to get married

this is the first ugly fat bastard i know that is not a rapist or evil person too

the girl is sexy hot too damn the animation is good

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