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Reviews for "Time Squad [Part 3]"

nice..nice future

the end of time..it was like a scientific movie~..

it almoast made my cry

wtf, didnt have thad in years, man this is awsome, looking forward to more


i started watching blockhead when you put out the 5th episode i think it was and hes awsome. so random and ive been so anxious to see the 3rd move, i saw it before on your website but thats beside the point. Blockhead is awsome and i cant wait for blockhead 7. Timesquad is awsome too. I just have one question. did the scientist create blockhead? and in the very first time squad in the black and white flashback thing, is that the time he was created, cuz that kinda lost me why he was there.

The-Swain responds:

I hate that the answer has to be so short, but Blockhead has kind of always been around.


Finaly the last part of Time Squad is here, this serie sure is in a class of its own^_^!. So is Blockhead 7 coming out soon in the near future??

The-Swain responds:

I hope so. I've been working on it casually, but I'll step it up as I come closer to my nearing deadline.

loved it

i liked it alot i found it funny well animated and nice and long :D