Blues Traveler - Low Rider / Run-Around - 9/3/1995 - Shoreline Amphitheatre (Official)
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Blues Traveler - Low Rider / Run-Around
Recorded Live: 9/3/1995 - Shoreline Amphitheatre - Mountain View, CA
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He absolutely shreds with that fucking harmonica, it's incredible.
That guy is absolutely amazing with his song writing, vocals and harmonica skills
Absolutely amazing 👍
The uncle that got him his first harp for christmas is the best uncle ever.
That transition is buttery
Not sure you can describe it any better than that
Biscuits for breakfast and blues travleler is spread on top. Mmm. Love it. Lol
All of the transitions sopping
One of the best American bands ever! Amazing performance!!
Lars Kaiden I agree bad ass
Fuck yeah
Idk how the crowd didn't go absolutely bat shit crazy over that transition
I was thinking that myself
Probably because it was quite a long transition. Starts around 5:30 and then culminates at 5:45.
My dad hung out with these guys when he was in culinary school in ‘91. Pretty badass he said.
Haha John went there to eat all his food huh
We need them back!!!
This band is completely underrated. I saw them at a small venue a couple years ago. I was able to basically stand right at the stage as they just burned the place to the ground. Popper is a special special talent.
Underrated in mainstream rock…highly accepted in the jam band scene. They play many festivals I attend.
Free harmonicas also. The problem with the band is John Popper is an amazing musician and songwriter, and the rest of the guys are good good in their own right but they’re not amazing like him so that’s what kept the band from growing.
It’s like we were straight up sitting in on a fiya band practice sesh..!! Dang I loved these guys. They really made the 90s. 🎉🎉
Chan Kinchla is the perfect guitarist for Blues Traveler. In “Low Rider”, he’s got a saturated tone, trading off solos with John. Then segue into “Run Around”, straight up clean tone, four on the floor major chords. Changing dynamics from full on strumming in the choruses to sparse edicts in the verses. He’s an exceptional guitar player. One of my favorite performances of his is “Sweet talking hippie” live at Wetlands Preserve.
that was awrsome
Wow his voice is amazing live
I saw him twice in 2019. Amazing still. I got His harmonica
@@richardharris6058 that’s cool as fuck cherish that
Still great! 2021 killing it STILL
YESSSSSS!!!! - Out the top of my lungs
Obrigada Blues ..gaita maravilhosa voz !!!
Thats Merle Saunders on the keyboards!!!Freaking awesome!!!!
RIP Merle
Jesus how does he make that harmonica do that?
The funk is alive with this group!
I saw them in New York and this girl sitting behind me handed me a Jay of this one hit gangja that put me on the moon and then turned on me and I had to get away from the action and walk the gallery until I calmed down a bit. My gf was kinda pissed at me because she didn't smoke pot and had no frame of reference for getting too high. That was some powerful pot! Still it was a great show- panic attack notwithstanding lol!
It happens to the best of us! Rock on!!!
That cover of Low Rider is kick ass!
I saw them play at a local venue a few years back. Definitely a good time and we got to meet them after the show. They were super down to earth and nice.
Wow 25 years ago , time really does fly, great band , saw them in Asheville NC about 10 years ago, great band live as evidenced here, RIP Bobby miss you ,
Bobby was a beast I don't believe anybody has been able to fill his shoes sense RIP Bobby
For sure, out of all the re do of this famous song- Blues Trave is the best. No doubt!!!!!
Always giving a good show, so thankful I was able to put JP/BT in my seen column of mpppmmmmm1 attended in my life. first U.S. Tour I believe, and "Run around" had just earlier came out that's how fricken old I am, lmao ( INDY -MSA) 1984
8:24 "La Bamba" into "bombardier" 👀
That was smooth! Awesome band!
This guy is just super cool and his band are super good...blessed
Supporting the hip was amazing god bless the world with music in these troubled times
I only wish I ever saw the original band I saw them Afters to 2005 till now
Harp on a new level..still today
B.trav. is my childhood best memory. I love SO much. Best thing ever!!!!!😀
Wow! This was played on my 12 birthday. Nice.
The only neckbeard I will ever love. Samurai sword and all. John's a damn treasure
Great cover, I love it when it gets spun, Wars nodding, and smiling 😁
wow never heard LR on harmonica awesome !!!
Hard to believe that they actually hate this song. I can never understand a musician hating something good they create.
How do you know that? I asked them to play it at the Belasco and they didn’t respond fondly!!
@@Trump-dj3xu I saw JP join Dean Ween at a jam and they played it. Crushed it.
John feels like it took them out of jam band status
Tremendous singing and harmonica. Great band :)
Real cool yall
Thank u
Rock on
Blues forever
Love this band since the 90s when I discovered them
He kill it dope as hell awesome Jon Popper
John Popper is Blues Traveler!
I'm groovin so good right now 💜✌️🍁
P h a w k yeah I'm grooving too and you are beautiful love sister yes I Rastafari keep on keeping on Tucson Arizona Sonoran Desert yes I Africa
Tearing it up!!!
After you you best music ever
Best performance I’ve seen
Helluva performance by all involved!! 💃👏👏👏👏
Pure genius.
Awesome Song. Does the singer have a samurai sword holstered to his left hip?!?!?! That's Killer!!
❤ jamming oUt!!!
Transition still gives me the chills
Phenomenal... Big John Popper is the greatest of all time...
Not so big now. Weight loss surgery
@@richardharris6058 Yes 👍 you are correct he did indeed... Now he's much more healthy and feeling great and it really show's when he's performing... Stay safe out there...👍💕🔥💯
I love this
Love this!!
Damn that’s good.
Awesome....John Popper.....
"Hey guys, when we get to the concert, let's jump on stage".
*sees lead singer with samurai sword*
"Um... abort mission".
Once time travel is invented, they have gots to send them to Woodstock 69, that audience will know how to fully appreciate what's going down here.
Greatest song ever!
Easy there
This happened 17 days before my fifth birthday.
I was 23 on LSD at this show. Drove from Monterey
5:40 smooth fuckin transition
Run Around at 05:45
hi i would like to know if the band ever played the Winnipeg Folk Fest as the Barking Ducks back in the 80"s
John Popper has probably made a loooottttttt of women very happy
Hwo can resist this?
I mayby cracy but 🤣
Ahhhh. the 1990s - where the suicide bombers sung lead and blown some harp before blowing up the stadium.
Rock on
😮 10:30 😊❤
I just now realized this man has a fucking katana on his hip what us happening
What guitar playing in this live performance
This guy fucking rocks
Jax beach Florida Oct 12-14th
#Trumpet88 +++
I know harp! ( joking) ….he is on anther ten hole level. Hendrix level
How the fu
Say no more ___!
Bay Area babyyyy...nailed it!
Hahaha John popper is the neck beard exception... he’s been laid more than all of us combined. If you know anything about playing harmonica you know it’s all tongue....... this guy is loved by the ladies!
I can only think of George Lopez when I hear this!
What happened to music?
I seen run around
definitely could a chose a better option for singing the low rider song.
6:30. I don't think the katana is ironic.
Haha yeah must be the most legal thing he could get on stage
whoa. fuck
Whoever shares John Poppers bed and not fear being steamrolled over is a true champion.
Such a narrow minded , Uncool comment. Boo
the organ... why???
Why not
what the fuck is that guy wearing
Hahahaahha Yeah I am 55 myself and I could never pull off those thick black belts with chains and a pocket book hooked to my ass!! lol... Then again could never pull off the black cowboy hats either, But I look good as fk in a straw one!! :) :)
harmonica vest with what looks like a sword
It's a bandoleer converted for holding harmonicas of different keys. And the sword, well, yeah, Popper loves weapons of all sorts.
With harmonica skills like that, who's gonna argue about a sword... and with a sword, who's gonna argue about his harmonica skills.
08:18 white people attempting to dance
tenghz That's the drugs
You have got me there. Say, friend! You dance and I'll shoot at your feet. DANCE!
08:18 Black people not there because they’re at their Black Lives Matter Angerfest.....08:18 White people not caring 😂
Excuse me?
I dance blues
Circles around u
Wow. That was just weird.