Hey Guys; Does it Run in the Family ?

Yes it does....

My dad's girlfriend asked my wife if it "runs in the family"...i don't want to know that...

And I caught webcam photos of my brother on our computer when we were younger. All bigger.
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I have no brothers and have only seen two family members’ cocks. My father has one of the smallest cock I’ve ever seen; I actually feel bad for him. I’ve also seen my uncle’s, on my mother’s side of the family; his was slightly below average. I would often see it erect; he loved jacking off to porn and never bothered to stop when I entered the room.

If cock size is genetic, I have no idea how I got bonus inches, lol. I’m not adopted but maybe someone in the family is well hung besides me.
I think it’s totally fine to compare any body traits to relatives- including genital size- as long as it’s normalized among that family. Specifically, there would need to be frequent and ample opportunities for proper social nudity (shared shower area, sauna time, etc) so that having the knowledge isn’t weird or unusual, and then it needs to come up in conversation in a normal, positive, and non sexual way.

Lots of negative comments posted on the board would indicate that this doesn’t align in most families, with some comments transparently reflecting what that household likely looked like during the formative years. Some families are closer than others, and some guys are more open and relaxed about things like that. When it comes to the body, people want to put up protective walls, and some people seem to prefer an extra buffer zone around the walls- to avoid impropriety.
I am not close to my birth family, I left home as a minor and I rarely saw my relatives. Oddly we get on very well when we are together, discussing things, joking and laughing, but we make little effort to keep in touch. I have four brothers, I shared a room with my elder brother, he and I are circumcised, my three younger brothers are intact, my father is intact. My father was not inhibited about nudity with me and my brothers. We swam naked together. My brothers varied in their comfort with being nude with me, but I know what their penises look like normally, and during their teenage years what their erections look like.

My brothers, my father and I, do not look alike, you would be hard pressed to see a resemblance between us, but oddly enough as far as dick shape, size flaccid or erect given my younger brothers are intact, there is a definite family resemblance especially in shape of the shaft and volume, glans shape. Hair pattern not so much. As far as erect length, we would be in the 17 cm -19 cm range, and 15 cm girth.
My paternal grandad, uncles, dad, brothers, grown sons, and I are all very large and not circumcised.
My mom’s family was Jewish on both sides, and that side of the family’s males that I have seen are all cut (all had a religious briss) and hung.
When our obstetrician asked if we wanted our sons circumcised, my wife and I agreed not to circumcise.
We agreed that if one of them wanted to, they could choose to be circumcised as adults.
I’m the smallest. My dad and uncles are big with a long sacks. My two older brothers and cousins are pretty similar smaller than our dad’s bigger than me. I’m pretty average shower. A descent grower. Verdict is out on next generation.
I only have my dad and his brothers to compare cock size. I have seen my dads Cock and he and I are practically the same size length wise. I am thicker than he is but his thickness is impressive. My dads brothers are all about the same size. They are all impressive size wise. I think it is genetic!