fat chicks?

I haven't a clue...
man, all i gotta say is do not let the bitch on top. I have a 'plump' woman on top of me and it hurts like a bitch. the pain outweighs the pleasure. Your balls are being crushed and u cant breathe but at the same time ...

i cant complain... sex is sex.
Senor_Cheese35 said:
man, all i gotta say is do not let the bitch on top. I have a 'plump' woman on top of me and it hurts like a bitch. the pain outweighs the pleasure. Your balls are being crushed and u cant breathe but at the same time ...
Huh? Maybe it's because I haven't had a woman more than 250lbs., but I can't tell a bit of difference. Women who are fuller typically know how to handle their added weight and I'd say your experiences are atypical.

Unless you really mean 300+lbs. women.
There is nothing wrong with some BBW action... as long as you keep her on the bottom. Or in doggystyle, so u can shake all the f a t on her ass.


what the fuck you lookin at?
txpimp said:
did you make that one up cause it was funny as hell:1orglaugh
The American Media, it really drives this ...

LadyLove said:
What a rotten reply. :( Sorry sometimes these threads get to me and its not just your post that did. Women bashing left and right. Butter faces, fat chicks, even attacking wifey. My God if you guys think she is ugly, I must howl at the moon.
Understand half of the responses are from young men on this board. They are used to seeing teenage women, who are at their thinnest. And they haven't seen many of them nude and all their imperfections, let alone the 10% that the camera adds. Half of them will do as half my friends did, marry a thin woman a few years out of high school, only do see her widen with a child or just age. No matter how much she exercises, they'll never be satisfied. Worse yet, they'll start complaining about their wife now weighs as much as my wife, but doesn't hve "boobs and a butt" like my wife. It's rather pathetic hearing that over and over again from people I went to high school with now that we're in our '30s.

So I have pity for them.

The other half, well, some look past the media, like I do. But the others, well, they are enchanted with the media, and follow it as an unconscience religion. Rather sad since the American Media is the greatest source of bigotry, racism, sexism -- even before we visit the unrealistic, unhealthy female form constantly presented to us. They talk about how Aria, Sydney and many others are "full-figured" and "round" not realizing that their slender stomach would fit in a dress size 2, but their width in hips and bust keep them in a larger dress.

I am blessed. I started to appreciate curves at an early age -- despite the media programming me for some of my early teenage years. And while some men think I'm biased and wrong, there are a lot of middle age (or older) men I know who will say they started to look at women "my way" way too late! Yes, some men always love thin, of little curves, etc... all their life. But I find more and more men who are older wishing they had gone curves -- let alone too broadly categorizing curvy, but slender women as "full-figured" or "fat" -- who were quite different than actual "fat" women. Especially those men who won't admit it in front of others, but confess it to me privately.

No more recent media hoopla exposed this to me than Monica Lewinski. The majority of men thought she wasn't good looking when publicly questioned -- and many of them told me in private they actually thought otherwise after I wasn't ashamed to admit I found her attractive publicly. A few completely admitted she was the type of brunette they liked -- how she actually looked (and not the constant "puffed face" profile/motif the media used to demonize her with when they needed a graphic).

LadyLove said:
If it doesn't suit someone I see no disgrace in saying "Sorry I prefer thinner women ...She doesn't do much for me, not my cup of tea.." any number of replies, yet everyone attacks. Going for the jugular.
Damn straight! But then again, just have pity. They throw some unbelievably fit, but wide women into the "fat" mix. Like the size 14 gynmist who could pile drive every ounce of manhood out of any male, and give him a heart attack as a result. And that left more of them underappreciated for my picking when I was dating.

But yeah, the "desperate" comment really pissed me off too. Especially when I heard it after I met my wife, as well as countless women I dated, when these are the women I totally go for! And you know what? Over half of the men who said it would later talk years later about how hot my girlfriends were, or how hot they think my wife is now. And now you know why I don't go around telling people "in real life" how good of head my wife gives, eh? I mean, they think she's hot out of the bedroom? Try in it!

LadyLove said:
I would love to see some of the wives, gf's and callouses that belong to some of the more critical ones in these threads. Bet that would be a hoot. ;)
These men are like Chris Elliot being "only" with Hillary Matthews and lusting to be with Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary. Beyond the fact that I thought Matthews was better looking than Diaz, the woman is servicing him at his every becon and he's still thinking about what he doesn't have? Oh that was just dead on!

I find it sad when people think (including my wife) I'm just saying I think my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is, period, to me at least, and I'm not blind. She is my best friend, yes, and that's why we'll be together forever. But I selfishly married her because I love her body! As I've stated before, about the closest I can get to her body-wise in a model/pornstar is Devyn Devine, and I want to be all over that 24x7 -- even more so now, after being with her a dozen years, than when she was younger!

LadyLove said:
With some of the attitudes around here , I think you should all be grateful for whatever you get. So most of you please take a moment and :bowdown: to your fist.
Again, pity them. For both the ones that don't admit what they really like as well as the ones that are being honest, and really limit themselves.

LadyLove said:
Of course everyone is entitled to there opinion, I just think sometimes its worded rather harshly, nastily and a lot of overkill steps in. :dunno: Sorry, but I had to say something. I tried not to each time this thread came to the top again. I lost my battle.
Yes, the public thought is rather disfranchising and I don't blame women for giving up on men. At the same time, it does go the other way.

Hell, I was a 3-sport athlete in high school, and it never let up! I guess that's why I have my values and have had them for a long time. I only cared about what mattered to me, although I was blind for a bit early in high school. But I came around rather quickly because I was not going to let society tell me what I loved. ;)

For those that honestly agree with the media, more power to you. In fact, you're probably one of the few people not bashing women here. Because you respect who they are and it doesn't bother you, all while liking what you like without feeling the need to use words like "desperate." Like Lady Love, I can't fault you at all, you know yourself well.

Now my wife is 1,100 miles away from me for the next 11 days. I sure wish she was here, because I have major and massive urge to remind myself how damn good I have it! Especially her current, "fat" 160lbs., 38DD-26-36 (hourglass with apple tendency) figure. Even at her heaviest, 215+lbs., 42F-30-40 figure years ago, she didn't "crush" me riding atop.

Hell, long ago, I had an African American lover I had a damn hard saying "no" to (vaginal intercourse-wise) who was clearly at least 250lbs. that didn't crush me one bit. Weight has nothing to do with "crushing." If she sucks in bed, that's the cause!
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It's good to be the king...
Totally "major score" in my book! If I went to a club and caught this beauty, I'd noticed her first. And because of that, I'd have a good chance of going home with her (and not because I was any looker myself, because I wasn't). Especially if there were a lot of "typical beauties" around.
Now this woman is cute, but not quite my preference. Don't me wrong, making love to her would be nice, and I'd complement and flirt the fuck out of her (and make her known that she's more attractive than most of the women in the room) well before any thinner woman (I'd still choose her over Brittany Spears). But she's more blondish and what more men like or "settle for" when they go FFW (like when the thin blonde won't give them the time of day), and then she's pushing a pear-shape in figure which is where I'm "picky." So, again, she's really not my preference, I'm man enough to say it, and I told you I was picky -- at least when there are so many fine, hourglass brunettes that would get less looks than her.

And I agree with the Prof's comments - some opinions on this thread are best suited for a schoolyard.....
No joke. If a woman isn't your type, that's fine. I even stated how the blonde, of which I don't go for much, her was a little to "pear'ish" for my typical and picky preference -- at least not worth "fighting for" when other men go after the FFW as their "latter choice." But I can still see her beauty and I still find her attractive.


It's good to be the king...
I prefer more chubby than fat. Like Eden DD is my favourite porn star. Nice and chubby. I find that really skinny chicks just don't do it for me I like em with either a little or just a decent amount of meat on them. But nothing like 500 lbs or anything. HAHAHA
Degradation and expectation ...

women constantly degrade men....I was just being humorous with my pancake statement but the truth is it is always going to be both ways on that one.
In-person, I have to agree! Since the late '80s/early '90s, in-person, women can be just as cruel and degrading as men. And women who met respectful men who treat them like ladies sometimes forget we're "not all just men."

But in media, the constant barrage of images of what the "ideal woman" should be, no, we men don't have it anywhere as bad. Not even remotely! Unfortunately, more and more women are taking what media throws at them and turning it towards degrading men (especially respectful gentleman) in return.

But they get what they deserve with the life they build for themselves. Sad, but true.
Some of the women here are not bad at all. It really depends on the waist to hip ratio when it comes to bigger girls and me. If she still has an hour glass shape then I'm ready for action but if she has a pear shape she might need a little bit more to get me to take notice (ie. extremely pretty face, very nice boobs). I do find myself going for thinner women most of the time but there's definitely nothing wrong with bigger girls.