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STUDIO 31266
STUDIO 31266
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Victoria: Obey For The Holiday

12/27/24 9:54 AM11 min654 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryReal Doll


Victoria receives a pair of heels from Michael Mezmer for the holidays.  She finds the gift odd but tries them on anyways.  Victoria suddenly feels weird as she is "snapped" into complete obedience.  She marches robotically to the couch to be programmed by a spiral on the screen.  She will soon be the prefect holiday toy. 

-Mezmer Heels make her obey

-Spiral programming

-Robotic walking and talking (wind up doll key in back) 

-Programmed in blow up doll pose (legs spread and eyes crossed)

-Snapped out of trance only to be called by Michael Mezmer and triggered over the phone

-Sits under the tree like an obedient mindless doll with her legs spread and Santa cap on

-Programmed to clean (wipe floors, dust) Mindless mantras

-Put on Knees and feels up her chest with eyes crossed and mouth in an "O"

-Duck face and peace signs under the tree with eyes crossed, tongue out and "o" face

-on knees zombie pose (tongue out and eyes crossed) 

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